
    The sound of the Cessna engines increased as Joe advanced the prop levers,
increasing the RPM.  They were starting final descent to Deer Valley airport.
The cloudless sky and warm temperatures were in stark contrast to Minnesota.
They left only five hours ago and the weather improved as the flew southwest.

    Tim was flying the plane, as he had for the entire flight.  Except for the
revealing discussion with Phil Berg, their passenger, the trim had been quite
uneventful.  Phil's revelation that he was being offered a visit to the "cage"
was a surprise to all of them.

    Joe didn't know if it was the new hormones or what... It seemed such a
waste to subject a virile young man to such a thing.  Sure, the same had
happened to him and the others, but that wasn't intentional.  This was
different.  Phil was only willing to undergo such a completely life changing
experience simply because his very life was threatened.  It was a simple cold
decision...  Better to live the remainder of his life as a woman than face
almost certain death if he remained male.  What a choice.  Joe wondered what
decision he would have made, if he had been given a choice.

    What would he look like?  Phil was so... so muscular...  His shoulders...
Joe felt his changed groin muscles tense involuntarily as he imagined Phil
wrapping his arms around his own now smaller, softer shoulders.

    Was Joe really becoming a woman in every way?  He had to admit, the idea
of intimacy with Phil, or other man, no longer seemed all that unacceptable.
A little less than two weeks, and femininity (at least the physical part) was
starting to seem less strange.  Would Phil find the transition so easy?  Would
this macho guy find his own developed breast as interesting as he obviously
found Joe's when Joe let him touch it?

    Joe glanced at Tim.  Tim was concentrating on holding the plane on the
approach path and didn't notice Joe staring at him.  He looked so young...
His skin was so soft and clear.  Tim had become a young woman, really a young
girl, but he had also become unusually attractive.  Tim's sophisticated
clothing couldn't hide the feminine curves his body had acquired.  Joe tried
to remember Tim as a guy.  He had weighed close to two hundred pounds then.
Strong shoulders, muscular legs, he had been a handsome young man.

    As did Joe's own, Tim's body had lost all but its light "Peach fuzz"
hair...  Much thinner, weaker arms covered only by the soft down of a girl.
He shaved his legs and underarms.  Only the top of his head and his very
feminine vulva still had dark hair.  The only remnant of maleness was the
length of his hair, still the same as before.  It now seemed strangely exotic
looking.  Though Tim's hair was longer than the others when his change
occurred, it was still somewhat shorter than the average girls.  When it grew
out just a little, Tim would be truly gorgeous.  In fact, he already was.

    The marker beacon light flashed and the tone sounded as the crossed the
middle marker.  Joe lowered the gear and the power was reduced further to slow
to landing speed.  Joe kept his hand ready to take the controls, but Tim was a
quick learner, and he flew the Cessna like a pro.  With a slight flare, tires
touched pavement, the trailing link gear making almost any decent landing a

    As they taxied to the Honeybone Flight Facility, Phil stuck his head
between the crew seats to watch where they were going.

    "How many people work in that hanger?" Phil asked when he saw the
Honeybone logo.

    "I don't know for sure." Joe considered.  "There's probably five or six
mechanics there right now."

    "Do you know everybody?" Phil questioned.

    "Yeah... Probably...  I guess so." Joe answered.

    "If you see anybody you don't know, tell me immediately." Phil ordered.
"I'm very serious about this."

    "You think anybody knows you came here?" Joe asked.

    "Anything's possible." Phil said.  "Anything's probable.  Keep your eyes

    "Where are you gonna stay?" Tim asked.

    "I don't know yet." Phil answered.  "I'm trying to remain as spontaneous
as possible.  No one can know, if I don't know."

    "I think you could stay at my apartment... If you want." Joe offered.

    "I don't think we should stay in the same place." Phil said.  "I don't
want to endanger you, or anybody else.  It's my problem."

    "I'm not living there." Joe explained.  "I've been staying with my girl
friend, since this happened."

    "Hmmm...  Maybe that might be prudent..." Phil thought out loud.

    It's a great idea!" Tim agreed.  "Nobody would ever think of looking
there, I bet."

    "Keep your eyes open." Phil ordered.  "If anything does happen, don't try
to be a hero.  I'll take care of it."

    "Yes Sir!" Joe said in mock military fashion.  Phil probably thought of
them as helpless women.  Maybe they were.

    Joe accomplished the shut-down checklist and waved at the ground crew who
drove up with a small tug.  They unbuckled and began to depart the aircraft.
Phil opened the door and stepped out cautiously.  One of the ground crew met
him at the airstair door.

    "Welcome to Arizona." The man said, smiling.

    "Thanks.  Glad to be here." Phil returned.

    They retrieved their bags and struggled to get them to the pre-flight
office.  Phil watched with interest as Joe and Tim strained at the bags.  It
was plain they were not as strong as almost any normal man.

    "Did you notice any change in strength due to the change?" Phil asked.

    "Heh heh.  You can count on that." Joe answered.  "Some things are sorta
neat about it, but the strength loss is very noticeable."

    "I think it's even worse for me." Tim agreed.  "I guess I'm only as strong
as I look."

    "Hmmm.  I sure wish I could keep the muscles." Phil mused.

    "We all do." Joe said, setting a bag down and giving a mighty yank on the
outer door, which had a strong hydraulic closing spring on it.

    "There's no way to describe the way it feels." Joe went on.  "It's as if
everything suddenly got bigger and heavier."

    Phil helped with the door, easily pushing it open.

    When the got inside, the others took a seat as Joe finished the trip
paperwork and turned it in.  Then they assembled to leave.

    "I guess we should get over to the lab." Joe decided.  "I'm sure you'll
want to see the Cage.  I know Dr. Krell will want to meet you." He said to

    "You can ride with me." Tim offered.  "I've got more room than Joe's
little sports car."

    "What do you drive, Joe?" Phil asked.

    "Oh, I got an RX-7." Joe answered.  "And it's got plenty of room for our
bags, if you'd like a ride in it."

    "No.  I think I'll accept Tim's gracious offer."

    "Fine.  I'll follow you over there."

    They drove to the Honeybone Main Facility.  Tim was obviously engaged in
continuos conversation with Phil the entire way.  Joe wondered what kind of
things Phil was asking the young man-woman.

    When they pulled into the parking area, Joe was the first out.  The other
two sat in the car, continuing to converse.

    Finally, they finished and joined up with Joe, who stood waiting for them.

    "What do you think is causing this "de-aging" phenomena?" Phil asked Joe.

    "I wish I knew." Joe answered.  "It seems to be affecting all of us, but
Tim most of all.  He's always been the youngest, and now he looks younger than

    "Very intriguing." Phil considered, engrossed in thought.

    "I think you should meet Dr. Krell." Joe said.  "He has answers to at
least some of your questions.  He's a very intelligent individual."

    The walked directly to the Lab, with Joe pointing out the many impressive
features of the facility.  Phil took it all in, often asking questions that
showed he was very educated, and quite observant.

    When they reached the Lab, Joe introduced Phil to Dr. Krell, who obviously
had no idea what was going on.

    "Phil is considering using the Cage." Joe announced.  In addition to Dr.
Krell, the others in the Lab were Jim Matheney, Karen Simpson, and one of Dr.
Krell's lab technicians, who Joe didn't know.  None of them knew where Phil
was from, or why he was considering the Cage.

    Dr. Krell suddenly became very business-like.

    "You know, Phil, we have no way to change you back." He announced.
"Whatever the results, you are probably going to stay that way indefinitely."

    "I realize that." Phil returned.  "And I must admit, I don't know if I
really want to do this.  I may not have much choice, however."

    "No one can force you to do this." Dr. Krell demanded.  "I'm not yet sure
it's a good idea for anyone, but certainly it should never be forced on

    "No one is forcing me." Phil explained.  "There are other issues even more

    "Nothing is more demanding than your very physical being." Dr. Krell

    "What I'm referring to is very much life-or-death." Phil went on.  "But I
agree that this is nothing to be considered lightly.  I assure you I am not."

    "Do you want really to be a woman, Phil?" Dr. Krell asked.  "I can
understand that, if you do."

    "Until a few days ago, I never even considered it a viable option." Phil
answered, smiling, slightly embarrassed.

    "Then it probably isn't a viable option for you." Dr. Krell said.  "Having
to live in a body of the wrong gender can be worse than death itself.  Believe
me, I see it almost every day."

    "Joe said he had no desire to be a woman." Phil countered.  "He, or she, I
guess, seems to be getting by pretty well."

    "It is far too early to know how Joe or the others will come through
this." Dr. Krell admitted.  "It does appear that the physiological changes
themselves actually help in the transition.  But we're still learning about
that concept."

    "It may be a risk I would be willing to accept." Phil said.  "I'm
accustomed to taking calculated risks."

    "This is much different." Dr. Krell said.  "It will, not might, it will
affect the way almost everybody you come in contact with will relate to you.
There are other issues that we must discuss too."

    "I am here to learn all I can." Phil concluded.

    "Tomorrow I must meet with Joe, Tim, Dave and Mike and Norm." Dr. Krell
went on.  "We have detected anomalies in the latest blood samples."

    "What is it?" Joe asked.

    "I don't know what it means for sure, yet." Dr. Krell said carefully.  "We
need to do some more tests, and I want to talk to each of you confidentially.
We can get together tomorrow."

    Joe looked at the clock on the wall.  It displayed almost five o'clock.
It was the normal end of the work day.  Dr. Krell often worked much later, but
he almost never scheduled meeting in the evening.

    "Have they found you a hotel?" Dr. Krell asked Phil.  "I really want to
talk with you... say maybe eleven tomorrow?"

    "Sure... Eleven." Phil answered.  "I think I've got a place to stay."

    "Well, welcome to Arizona." Dr. Krell said.  "Stay out of the direct sun."

    Joe looked over at Phil and grinned.  Dr. Krell was like that.  The little
man was used to being in control, and he almost always was.

    Phil raised his eyebrows and returned the smile.

    "You're right." Phil said.  "He's a real fireball."

    "Don't let him fool you." Karen said.  She had remained silent, but had
been listening to the entire conversation.  "He comes off a little gruff
sometimes, but he's got a heart of mush."

    "Phil, this is Karen Simpson." Joe said, giving Phil a more personal
introduction.  "She's Dr. Krell's right hand.  And she is, at worse, a close
second in understanding trans-gender issues."

    Karen took the hand Phil offered and shook it.

    "I don't know what Joe's told you, but I would rather do it myself
anyway." Karen explained.  I was once a guy too.  At least my body was male,
until a few years ago."

    Phil looked at Karen, his eyes obviously moving up and down her trim

    Karen smiled and performed a small pirouette.  The fitted medical whites
doing little to hide her shape.

    "What do you think?" Karen teased.  "Do I look like a girl?

    "I never would have guessed." Phil admitted.

    "And no matter what Dr. Krell says, it's really not so bad to be like
this.  It's kinda fun.  Right, Joe?" She winked.

    "Yeah, right...  I guess so." Joe stuttered.

    "It is.  Don't be afraid, if it's what you really want." Karen said as she
turned to leave.

    "I've gotta go." She called.  "See you tomorrow morning, I guess."

    Phil looked at Joe.

    "She was a guy, too?" He asked.  "Were all the woman around here once

    Joe laughed.

    "It might seem like it, but no.  Just us five, and Karen." Joe explained.
"Karen is different though.  She underwent genital surgery by Dr. Krell.
She's not a graduate of the Cage."

    "Hmmm.  I knew it was possible... Even the Soviets had been doing it...
But I must admit, Karen is the first person who surgically changed sex that
I've met." Phil mused.

    "The Soviets?" Tim asked.

    "Yeah." Phil answered.  "We were told some of their operatives underwent
chemical and surgical procedures to alter their appearance, probably even sex

    "Now that's dedication to duty." Joe concluded.

    "Not really so different from what I'm considering." Phil countered.

    "I guess you're right about that." Joe agreed.

    "Man, I just don't know..." Phil answered.

    "Let's take Phil to your apartment, Joe." Tim offered.  "Let's get outa

    "Yeah... OK." Joe agreed.  If you want to stay there, Phil."

    "Sounds great." Phil said enthusiastically.  "I think it might be the best

    "OK then, follow me." Joe said.

    "I'll ride with Tim." Phil added.  "My bag is still in her car."

    "You might want to get some things at the market." Joe considered.  "I
haven't been there for a while, and there's not much but some beer in the

    "Let's go over there first." Tim said.  "I'll take him to get stuff if he
needs it."

    "Yeah... I guess you will be needing a car, won't you." Joe considered.

    "I'll help him." Tim offered again.

    Joe wondered why Tim was so interested in hanging around with Phil.  Then
again, the young man-woman might be developing the "hots" for the handsome

    They left Honeybone and drove to Joe's apartment.  As Joe pulled into the
parking lot, old memories of his former life came out.  Should he move back
into this familiar home?  He knew he probably wouldn't be staying with Linda
much longer.  Not that they didn't get along or anything, but they had been
heterosexual lovers, indeed, they were engaged to be married, and he would
never be able to think of Linda as only a "best friend" or whatever it was
they had become.  He was beginning (by necessity) to think and act like a
woman.  Linda was willing to help with the transition, but the further he
progressed, the more embarrassing it was became.  Even if he could admit it to
himself, it was hard to tell Linda that he was starting to find other men
sexually attractive.  Joe still found women stimulating too, but as the time
since his own body has lost its masculine attributes increased, he found those
of others to be more exciting.

    As they climbed the outside stairs to his apartment, Joe wondered what his
neighbors would think of two strange women and one guy entering his unit.
They were unlikely to be curious where he had been.  He was often gone for
days at a time flying for the Company, but he had only been there three times
in the last two weeks, once just to pick-up his mail.  He had never been close
to his fellow apartment dwellers, and they surely wouldn't recognize him now

    Joe unlocked the door and welcomed Phil and Tim inside.  He was glad he
had cleaned the place up a little last time he was here and washed the
remainder of his male laundry.  That was still lying on his bed.  He couldn't
bear to hang it up or put it away.  It was almost too painful to even touch
familiar clothes that no longer fit.  It was as if they belonged to somebody
else.  His new world was now in the bedroom at Linda's.

    His mailbox was full of junk mail, and Joe took it inside.  He placed it
on the coffee table and went into the kitchen.

    "I hope the place is acceptable." Joe said apologetically.  "It ain't
fancy, but it was home to me."

    "Nice place." Phil complimented.  "I can see you like planes." He looked
at the framed SR-71 poster near the stereo.

    "Yeah... They're only one of my vices...." Joe joked.  "Planes, cars, and
women...  Well two out of three ain't bad, I guess."

    "What's it like?" Phil questioned.  "I mean...  You look so much like a
girl... A woman...  How do you feel about them now?"

    Joe looked at Tim.  They both laughed knowingly.

    "Nothing changed that much, really." Joe answered for them both.  "We both
still like babes."

    But... How... What..."

    "Right." Joe cut him off.  "That's where it gets complicated. After the
change, you will be physically, legally, and, I think, in some ways, mentally
a woman.  But you still tend to think like a guy, and still desire to do what
a guy can do.  Obviously, it don't work too well."

    "So... You're both... lesbians now?" Phil asked.

    "Lesbian?" Joe repeated.  "Does that mean we don't like to look at guys?"

    "I don't know." Phil admitted.

    "And we don't either... Not much anyway." Tim chimed in.  "I think my
brain prefers women, but the bod is starting to consider guys."

    "Trust me, it's weird." Joe conceded.

    "But you look so completely female..." Phil said.

    "Yep, and we can go anywhere real women go." Tim offered.  "I'm telling
you, the required parts for a boner are gone, but you'll swear they're all
still there."

    "So everything feels the same?"

    "Oh no, I wouldn't say that...  But not nearly as different a I would have
ever guessed." Tim conceded.

    "Is it better, or worse?"

    "Huh!" Joe chimed in.  "Everybody asks that.  I think it's impossible to
answer.  Better?  Worse?  No... Mostly different.  Maybe some things better,
some worse.  Mostly, I miss standing up to pee."
    "That's right." Phil considered.  "You can't do that now, can you."

    "No, I can't." Joe admitted.  "On the other hand, the whole body became so
much more sensitive...  There are more places to touch that feel good."

    "Yeah?  Where?" Phil asked seductively.

    You'll only know that when and if you join the club." Joe offered coyly.

    They walked into the kitchen.  Showed Phil the fridge, the range, the
microwave, and the dishwasher.

    They went into the bedroom.

    Joe's clothes remained piled on the bed.

    "Sorry for all the stuff laying around." Joe apologized.  It's all my guy
stuff.  I still haven't decided what to do with it all."

    "Wish you could still wear it?" Phil asked.

    "Sure, I guess so." Joe answered.  "Not that it's so bad like this, or
anything, but life is just simpler for a guy.  I think anyway."

    "But don't you just feel sexy, or something?" Phil quizzed.

    "When I wake up in the morning and see myself in the mirror, I'm still in
awe and just want to touch myself all over." Joe confided.  "But I think I'll
get over that eventually.  I sure don't feel sexy right now, if that's what
you mean."

    "Me either." Tim volunteered.

    Phil looked at the Levi's laying on the bed.  He looked at Joe.

    "These used to fit you?"

    Yeah, they sure did." Joe admitted.  I'm almost as tall as before, but I
guess my other dimensions have changed somewhat."

    "I think so." Phil agreed.

    "Want my advice?" Joe offered.  "If you decide to do this, go out and do
everything you can do as a guy, and be sure to remember it well.  Cause
afterward, if you're anything like me, you'll want memories to compare with.
It's been less than two weeks, and I have trouble remembering what I felt like
as a guy."

    "You can't remember after only two weeks?" Phil repeated.

    "A little." Joe conceded.  "But the memories tend to blur with the way
everything feels now."

    "And how's that?" Phil asked, grinning wickedly.

    "Just thinking about sex has become be a wet experience." Joe confided
with a smile.  "I never realized how much a girl can feel that."

    "You guy's... er... ladies are making me horny." Phil said.

    "That won't change." Tim offered.  "Only what you can physically do about

    Joe walked into the adjoining bathroom.

    "I hope this is clean enough for you." Joe apologized again.  "I don't
spend that much time on housekeeping.  But you probably won't catch a disease.
Of course, now I don't leave the lid up anymore."

    "I appreciate you letting me stay here, Joe." I can see how hard this is."
Phil said.

    "It's really not so bad." Joe countered.  "I'll get out of here and let
you settle in.  Tim, you will stay and help him out, right?" He handed his key
to Phil.

    "Sure, I'll be glad to stay." Tim offered.

    Joe walked to the living area.  He picked up his mail and carried it to
his car.

    As he drove to Linda's Joe wondered why Tim was so willing to help Phil.
Was it because Phil was a hunk of a guy who knew Tim's past but still showed
interest in him as a woman.  Phil never once spoke of Tim's little girl
appearance.  Joe knew Tim preferred that.  Perhaps it might be best for them
both if they could get together.

    Joe pulled into the drive.  Linda's Supra wasn't there.  She must not be
home yet.  As he entered the house, he could hear the phone ringing.  Joe
picked up the wall phone.


    "Joe, is that you?"

    Joe recognized the voice as that of his best friend Jay Logan.

    "Hi, Jay.  I just got home."

    "I called Honeybone.  They said you left there some time ago."

    "Yeah.  I was over at the apartment.  I offered it to somebody to stay
there for a few days."

    "How you doing?"

    "Fine.  I'm doing OK."

    "Any plans for the evening?"

    "Not so far."

    "Want to do something?"

    "Like what did you have in mind?"

    "Oh, I don't know, I just want to see you.

    "Yeah?  What for?" Joe teased.  He knew Jay had become enamored with his
buddies new persona.

    "You haven't been around for a few days...  I really I miss you."

    It was so weird having a guy talk like that.  Maybe his body was female,
but his head felt male inside. Joe tried to think of "girl things" to say.

    "Yeah?  I guess I miss you too."  Not exactly true.

    Except for short periods of curiosity, or perhaps lust, Joe never actually
missed Jay.  Although Jay surely did, Joe didn't think of he and Jay as woman
and man.  They had already been intimate, but, so far, on Joe's part anyway,
that was due more to curiosity than romance.

    "Let's get together then.  Maybe grab some dinner.  What do you say?"

    "Yeah.  OK.  What time?"

    "It's almost seven.  Maybe an hour?"

    "What should I wear?"

    "I don't know...  What do you have on?"

    "Well, let's see...  Panties, bra, pantyhose, silk blouse, and a gray wool
suit." Joe teased.

    "My God." Jay exclaimed.  "You must look gorgeous."

    "Of course."

    "You want to wear that tonight?"

    "Not if I don't have to.  Where are you taking me?"

    "You still have blue-jeans and a shirt?  Let's get some bar-b-que."

    "Great.  Yeah... I can find something to wear for that."

    "I'll be there shortly."

    "And I'll be waiting."

    Great.  He was hoping to rest a few minutes.  Take his heels off and kick
back.  Now he'd need to hang up these cloths and get ready to go out again.

    Joe slipped off the shoes and walked to his room in stocking feet.  The
heels of his pumps were very low, but it felt wonderful to take his shoes off.
He couldn't remember having any "guy" shoes as uncomfortable as most of the
new "girl" shoes he had.  Only his Reeboks felt anything like boy shoes.

    Removing the jacket, Joe carefully placed it on the bed.  Next, he
unzipped the side zipper of the trousers and lay it next to the jacket.  He
unbuttoned the silky blouse, and when he did, he couldn't resist lightly
touching his breasts, as if to verify they were still there.  He slipped a
hand between his legs, lightly pressing the tiny moist bulge of his changed
sex.  Gazing at his reflection in the dresser mirror, Joe imagined Jay
touching himself as he dreamed about what Joe now saw and felt in the flesh.
He indeed looked completely female, with only a little white triangle of
cotton panty hiding his pubic hair.  He tucked a thumb under one of the
shoulder straps of his bra and jiggled his right breast, just because he

    Though he preferred to stretch out on the bed and take a short nap, Joe
knew Jay would be there soon.  He was a little hungry, and it would be
interesting to interact with Jay again.

    It was so strange.  They were best friends since college.  For more than
ten years, Jay and Joe were buddies who hung around with each other all the
time, except for when Joe was away in the Air Force.  Everything was changing
now.  They acted like it wasn't so, but there was no way to hide the fact that
Joe wasn't a normal thirty-year-old guy anymore.  Maybe they still had many of
the same interests...  Maybe they still joked with and teased each other...

    But now, Jay was smitten by a powerful attraction for Joe.

    Joe found the whole thing a bit bizarre.  Certainly, he knew his changed
body had become attractive to men, even he found himself staring at the
reflection in the mirror...  But it was more than curiosity or lust for Jay.
It was as if he really liked Joe.  Like a man likes (or loves) a woman.  How
did you deal with that?  Jay was just his best pal.  Sure, they had slept
together a few times since the change, but couldn't he see that was just to
satisfy curiosity?  Couldn't he accept everything in the manner it was

    It was far too early to consider a serious relationship with a man.  Any
man.  Indeed, he still held strong ties with his fiancee, Linda, though that
relationship had changed too.


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