Joe lay on the bed waiting for the knock at the door that
would be Jay ready to workout downstairs.  With his head propped on
doubled up pillows, Joe gazed down at the curves his body was still
developing.  Though the bra he wore pressed his new breasts closely
against his chest, the development there was still very noticeable,
even under the little crop top.  He pulled the top away and
examined the amazingly soft mounds of flesh.  By now he was
becoming somewhat accustomed to the kind of "added-on" feel of this
new part of him.  They weren't new actually, everything there was
probably always there, but it certainly didn't look the way it used
to look, that was certain.  And along with the different shape,
well, everything felt different too, sometimes more different from
other times.

     With his right hand, Joe rubbed the bulge that was his left
breast through the royal blue leotard.  Below that softness, he
felt the stretchy cotton-spandex under bust band of the supportive
sport bra.

     It surprised him how easily he had adopted the idea of wearing
a brassiere.  Actually, it really felt quite natural, he consid-
ered, and it made having breasts almost tolerable.  Without one,
his average sized, (B but still developing) tits bounced uncon-
trollably.  He remembered that before he always thought such
movement to be sexy, especially when the subject didn't realize she
was being ogled.  Now that the bouncing boobs in question were part
of his own flesh, and it was quite another matter.  He found going
bra-less to be somewhat uncomfortable, and he just couldn't help
feeling self-conscious with his chest bouncing all over the place,
especially when his bigger, more sensitive pink nipples showed
through his outer clothes.  To Joe, it just seemed his new chest
felt best packed in like this.

     Speaking of packed in, Joe looked down to the wispy nylon
shorts.  When he lay back on the bed, he had slipped down a little,
and doing that had pulled the shorts up between his legs, defining
his crotch and absent male organs.

     In some ways, this other change in his anatomy was signifi-
cantly more difficult to get accustomed to.  To be sure, it wasn't
nearly as obvious as the curves on top, but he knew it would
probably have more effect on his life style than the little
protuberances on his chest.

     It seemed every time he saw himself, what he looked like down
there, it was still hard to accept all that had happened to his
body.  When nothing touched him, tight clothing, or something
brushing against his crotch area, he really couldn't tell anything
had changed.  All the nerves were the same, and all were obviously
still there.  It really felt to Joe as if his penis was still there
too, it seemed he could still reach down and wrap his fingers
around it.  But, if he tried, as he did out of habit the first time
he needed to urinate, he found that his manhood had been reduced to
a nub of flesh slightly smaller than the tip of his little finger. 
It was now slightly below the more prominent pubic bone of his
widening pelvis.  The majority of what was there seemed to be drawn
up into his body, with only the tremendously sensitive head able to
peek from some sensitive folds of skin.  Those skin folds, which
looked exactly like the female labia minora, had sensation like a
combination of the shaft of his penis and his scrotum.  Of course,
all of this was practically out of his view.  Without the aid of a
mirror, he could barely see his transformed organ.

     Although his genital still felt like a penis sometimes, it
certainly didn't function like one.  It often seemed like he was
getting an erection, but now Joe didn't even bother looking down
when he felt the sensation of a hard-on.  No matter how it felt,
there was never anything externally visible.  He could still sense
his "penis" swelling up, as if it would soon be ripping out of the
close fitting underpants he now wore, but since the shape of the
erectile tissue had changed, it was now more internal, and
positioned along the sides of this newly formed genital cleft, the
only visible evidence would be a wet crotch in his drawers.  At
first, Joe still habitually felt these urges as desire to be with
a woman.  Indeed, the sight of a female body could still cause it
to occur, but lately, as he gradually became accustomed to the idea
of appearing to be female himself, he was finding men more and more

     As he waited for Jay, Joe gently stroked the new softness
between his legs, exciting the same nerve endings which had
previously been part of his penis, but could better now be
described as his clitoris.  The pleasant sensations were different,
and yet familiar.  Joe absently tensed the muscles in his groin and
considered the sensation.  It was a feeling a normal male couldn't
possibly know, but it too was quite enjoyable.  He could sense his
body becoming aroused, he knew what caused that to happen, and he
was doing it, but his finger tips felt only softness under the
slick nylon shorts, lycra leotard, shiny light blue "Gilda Marx"
Capri pants, and, under all that, a white sport panty.  He
reluctantly drew his hand away.  If he continued touching himself,
he knew he would soon feel wet.  No need to mess up the terry
crotch of this new underwear and be uncomfortable, he considered. 
He thought about what Jay had told Mr. Peterson, as how he had been
rendered "impotent."  Impotent.  Perhaps it was hard to define his
affliction, but impotent surely wasn't an apt description.  He
wondered if the sexual sensation he felt was the same as for a
"real" woman.

     There was a quick knock at the door between rooms and Jay
walked into the room.  He saw Joe lying on the bed and his eyes lit
up.  "You look spectacular, as usual," Jay said, as he gawked at
Joe's form on the bed.

     Joe pulled the terry cover-up around him as he got up from the
bed.  It was hard to not be embarrassed when Jay stared at him like

     Jay realized that his wide eyed gaze was bothering Joe.  "I'm
sorry.  It's just that you're just so perfect."

     Joe looked at his pal and frowned, then smiled.  "Just don't
forget it's still me.  And besides, I'm far from perfect."

     "Close enough," Jay said simply.

     "Are you ready to play?" Joe asked, trying to change the

     "Of course.  Are you ready, that's the question, isn't it?"

     Joe knew what he meant.  In the past, before this had happened
to him, Joe was always more than a match for his pal Jay.  Now, if
the other day was any indication, Joe had lost all strength
advantage.  Indeed, Joe could tell that with the continuing
metamorphosis, he probably had even less muscle mass now than that
first day.  The only improvement might be that he was becoming
somewhat accustomed to this new body shape with its slightly
different center of gravity.  "I'm ready," he said.  "I might not
be as strong as before, but I'll still give you a run for your

     "OK, let's find out."

     Joe grabbed the bag with his towel and racquet.  They went
down the staircase, avoiding the elevator and using the five floors
to the workout area as an excellent warmup.  There were few other
people there in the afternoon, and there were two courts available. 
They went into one and when they assembled their gear and put on
their gloves and safety glasses, Jay tossed a blue ball to Joe.

     Joe went to the corner and fired the ball against the wall
using the same stance and method he had used for years.  The ball
went were he intended, but at a much lower velocity than he hoped. 
He just didn't have the same oomph anymore.  Jay returned it
easily.  Joe rushed to the other side and was able to return the
ball, ricocheting it off the side wall.  It became immediately
obvious he was now totally outclassed.

     The game continued, with Jay able to dominate every play.  Joe
did his level best, but he could tell that Jay wasn't even playing
as well as he could.  It was a blow to his ego to be defeated so
easily, but at the same time, he realized that he didn't have
nearly the competitive urge of before.  Even the last time he had
played, on that first day after the change, something, perhaps the
greatly reduced testosterone levels, something was causing him to
tolerate defeat with much more grace than he used to.  But it still
wasn't easy.

     They played for more than a half hour, and Jay watched his
friend struggle to compete with a body that was very different from
it once was.  "Are you getting tired?"

     "Yeah, I am, a little," Joe answered.  "But I can play as long
as you want to." He added defiantly.

     "Well, I'm getting pooped, too," Jay said diplomatically. 
"Why don't we see what else they have around here?"

     They removed the safety glasses and put their equipment into
their duffel bags and left the court.  The hotel workout complex
was very well equipped and had a sauna, hot tub, and a good sized
swimming pool, all below the huge building.

     "How about a swim?" Jay asked.

     "I brought my suit along, but I left it upstairs."

     "I have my trunks in my bag." Jay said.  "It would only take
a minute to go up and get yours."

     "Well, OK." Joe agreed.  "I'll get it, if that's what you

     Joe put the terry cloth cover-up back on and started upstairs. 
When he came to the elevator, he decided to use it.  He was tired
and figured that ten floors of stairs would leave him exhausted. 
In moments, he was on the fifth floor and at the door to his room.

     Inside he went to his bag and found his suit, a hand-me-down
from Linda.  He picked up the bra top and looked at it.  The suit
was designed by Body Glove and was last year's day-glow lime green. 
The top had a black zip closure between the cups.  It was actually
made for swimming, and not particularly revealing, but it was still
the least amount of clothing Joe had ever worn in public, since he
was like this, anyway.

     Joe put the top to his nose and inhaled deeply.  Mixed with
the pool chlorine odor and rubbery smell of lycra-spandex, he
detected Linda's scent.  Actually he had been the last to wear the
suit, and the flowery smell was probably from the perfume that they
both wore.  But to Joe, that smell would always remind him of

     Should he put it on here in his room, he wondered?  If he did,
he'd then need to go down the elevator wearing it.  He wasn't
looking forward to that, even with the terry cloth cover-up.  No,
he'd put it on downstairs, in the dressing room.

     Putting the two piece suit into his duffel bag, Joe went back
out and down the elevator to the basement.  When he got there, he
went to the ladies' locker room.  He hoped there wouldn't be anyone
else in there and was relieved to find the room empty.

     Joe quickly removed his sportswear and then went to the
showers to rinse off.  Walking down the aisle to the showers he
looked around the room.  Women's locker rooms are always nicer and
better smelling than men's, he concluded.  He wondered why that
was.  Men's locker rooms always smelled like a mix of moldy towels
and smelly sweat socks.  It wasn't particularly fresh smelling in
this room either, but it certainly didn't smell like that.  Didn't
women sweat?  Or was it that they just didn't smell bad when they
did.  He put his nose to his clean-shaven underarm.  He was sweaty,
that was sure, but the only odor he could detect was that of
deodorant, and maybe a faint trace of perfume.  Perhaps he wasn't
a real woman, but it was probably true, women didn't smell like
men.  And now he didn't either, not anymore.

     As he stood in the shower, Joe was careful to keep from
getting his hair wet.  Then he considered, he was going to be
jumping in the pool in a few minutes, his hair would surely get wet
then.  He hoped that he could get it back the way it was after he
did that.  It was still short, but the hairstylist had given it a
cut and shape that looked fairly feminine, and he would never go
back to wearing the wig in any case.

     Using his large bath towel, he dried off and then grabbed the
suit bottom.  With his thumbs in the waist band, Joe held the
little bottom out in front of him.  It was lime green inside and
out, except for the flesh-toned nylon lining the front and the
narrow crotch, there to keep the pubic hair from showing through
when the suit was wet.

     Joe stepped into the suit bottom and pulled it to his hips. 
Unlike any men's trunks he had ever worn, the little green suit
bottom fit snug as second skin.  He ran his palm along the front
all the way down to his crotch, and then adjusted the snug elastic
leg openings around his buttocks.  When he was satisfied with the
fit and feel, he picked up the top and slipped his arms into the
straps.  He attached the zipper and pulled it up to the top, then
reconsidered and opened it about an inch.  He knew that was the way
Linda had worn it, and thought it looked better that way.

     Finally he was ready.  Joe screwed up his courage and picking
up his bath towel, walked to the locker room door.  Stepping out,
he realized the temperature was much cooler there than back in the
locker room.  He could feel goose-bumps forming on his arms and
legs, and felt a slight shiver.  This newly sensitive skin was not
as tolerant of temperature than before, he thought to himself.

     He stood there, outside the door to the dressing rooms, and
wondered where Jay was.  He didn't want to poke his head in the
men's locker room, but he didn't know where else to look.  Maybe he
was already in the pool, Joe thought.

     Joe decided to go down the short hallway to the pool.  As he
turned the corner, he saw that Jay was indeed in the pool, swimming

     Joe silently watched his friend for a moment, and then Jay
spotted him standing at the end of the pool and swam over to him.

     "Come on in," Jay said.  "It's warm, and real nice."

     Joe stood there shivering a moment and looked at the water. 
He was standing near the shallow end, the water was four or five
feet deep.  He touched the water with his toe.  It felt comfortably
warm.  Joe dropped the towel and dove into the pool, aiming for the
middle.  It was the first time he dove in since the change had
occurred and immediately he felt the drag caused by his breasts, or
perhaps it was just the partially open zipper of the suit top.

     When he stopped moving, Joe tread water as he snugged the
zipper all the way up.  Jay saw him do it and wondered what he was
doing.  "Yeah, take it off," Jay teased.

     "Not hardly." Joe said.  "I'm just zipping it up all the way. 
You'd be amazed how much drag these things create."

     "Sure, you wish."

     "No, really," Joe continued.  "I can actually feel the water
pulling against them."

     "OK then, I guess I'll give you a handicap if you want to race
the length of the pool," Jay continued sarcastically.

     "No, I don't want to race, I don't want to compete, I just
want to swim around a little.  Can I just do that?"

     "Sure, let's just swim," Jay agreed.

     As they watched each other treading water, Joe again noticed
another difference.  It was hardly perceptible, but he found it was
somehow a little easier to remain afloat.  Was it the breasts? 
Hardly, he thought, they just weren't that big.  His hips?  They
weren't that much bigger either.  It must be a combination of
everything.  He was a little lighter now, and his body had gotten
a detectable new buoyancy.

     They frolicked in the water for maybe ten minutes when they
were joined by some other hotel guests.  Three older women, maybe
in their late forties or fifties, went to the shallow end and sat
along the edge.  They were talking and laughing with each other. 
Without being obvious, Joe examined each of them carefully.  HE
didn't actually realize it, but he still retained the young man's
tendency to consider unfamiliar women as sexual prey.  These women
happened to be a little older than him and Jay, but they weren't
ancient, and two of them were actually quite attractive.  The
remaining one, though not ugly, was a little homely and quite
overweight.  They just sat there, and suddenly Joe realized that
the women were intently watching Jay, who was still swimming around
paying little or no attention to the three women.  With that, Joe
again realized that his peer group had changed.  The women were
watching a physically attractive young man, but they were paying
little or no attention to the young woman accompanying him.  Joe
was now considered one of them.

     Joe swam over to his pal, and with his head facing away from
the women, he spoke softly to Jay, so that the women would not
hear. "Hey, Jay, there are three pairs of eyes over there watching
your every move."  It was Joe's turn to tease.

     "Those women?  They're all old enough to be our mothers."

     "Maybe so.  But trust me, they aren't thinking of you as a son
right now."

     His masculinity flattered, Jay looked at Joe.  "Do women that
age still think about stuff like that?" he asked, only partly in

     "Hey, I'm learning about them myself, but you do have a nice
tan.  Even I noticed your back."

     "What about it?" Jay asked.

     "Well, I guess I never noticed it before, but you've really
got nice shoulders in back, real muscular.  Women notice things
like that, I think."

     "Do you?" Jay asked, grinning.

     "I'm starting to," Joe said, sheepishly.  "I don't know why,
I admit, but I am starting to like stuff like that.  It's kind of

     "Well, I notice you, too.  Maybe it's good that you're
starting to feel things like that."

     "Yeah, maybe it is, but it sure is hard on the shreds of male
ego I have left," Joe admitted.  "You wouldn't believe the stuff my
screwed up brain is thinking sometimes."

     "Oh yeah, and what's that?" Jay asked curiously.

     Joe just grinned at his pal.  There was no way he could tell
Jay what he was thinking.  It even embarrassed him to realize that
these women ogling his pal caused him to feel a possessive pride
from just being with him.  Of course he had never felt that way
about a MAN before.  He could tell he was starting to like men, but
more in the way he had liked women before, not the way he figured
"real" women liked men.  It seemed to him that real women always
wanted to be considered "desirable" to the man in their lives.  Joe
hadn't really fully developed that need yet.  But the feelings he
was experiencing did seem very "female."  It concerned him that he
felt that way, but there seemed to be no way to change the physical
or mental processes that were occurring.

     Jay took Joe's demure grin to be seductive flirting.  Just
like Joe, he had difficulty with new, very different feelings for
his old pal.  But Joe was now just so physically attractive, and
yet he could still easily talk to him, just like before.  Unfortu-
nately, Jay often tended to treat him like the attractive woman he
appeared to be.  This sometimes flattered but usually confused Joe,
who was still struggling with the whole idea of acting and being
considered female, regardless of his appearance.

     Jay dove below the surface, and grabbed Joe's legs, pulling
them from under him.  Joe countered by grabbing one of Jay's legs,
trying to pull him over too.  Jay grabbed for his pal and was able
to get his arm around his slim waist.  Formerly, Joe had outweighed
Jay by maybe five to ten pounds, but now Jay had a very noticeable
strength and weight advantage.  He could manipulate Joe pretty much
as he chose.

     In an attempt to break away from Jay's hold around his waist,
Joe squirmed around and tried to wriggle free.  In the process,
Jay's hand slipped to Joe's right breast.  Jay didn't move his hand
away either, and in fact, to Joe it seemed that his friend began
feeling him up.  He didn't really mind that much, but he didn't
like the fact that he was now so helpless that someone could even
fondle him while he was actively trying to break free.  It made him
realize how vulnerable a female body really was.  The thought
sobered him a little.

     But, men have weak spots too, Joe remembered.  Maybe he didn't
have balls anymore, but Jay still did.  He reached down and grabbed
for his pal's crotch.  He avoided the penis, and went straight for
his scrotum.  When he got a handful, Joe gave Jay's family jewels
a squeeze, being careful not to do it too hard.  He didn't want to
really hurt Jay.  The maneuver had the desired effect and Jay let
go immediately.

     "Hey, that's not fair," Jay protested, massaging the injured

     "Why not?  I wasn't squeezing YOUR boob."

     "But, that's different," Jay whined, acting offended.  "I
didn't hurt you."

     "How do you know?" Joe asked.  It was his turn to tease, and
he tried to sound as hurt, but seductive, as he could.

     Joe quickly swam away from Jay, who immediately followed. 
They swam around the pool, playing around, teasing and generally
enjoying each other's company.  The next time Joe happened to look
over there, the three women were gone from their spot at the far
end of the pool.

     "I guess they already got tired of watching you," Joe teased

     "Speaking of tired," Jay said.  "I'm beat.  And I could eat a

     "I think I know where you can get some great horse meat," Joe
teased.  He was starting to enjoy this flirting with Jay.

     "Do you want to get out?" Jay asked.

     "I'm ready any time you are."  Joe wouldn't admit it, but he
was becoming exhausted and sore.

     Jay went to the edge of the pool and, using the muscles of his
shoulders, lifted himself from the water.  Joe watched, now
strangely interested in his buddy's physique.

     Joe knew better than to even attempt something like that right
now, and waded over to the stainless steel ladder.  He retrieved
the towel from where he had dropped it and followed Jay down the
hallway to the locker rooms.

     As Joe entered the locker room, he heard voices in conversa-
tion.  When he went to the aisle where his locker was located, he
saw the three women from the pool were on that aisle too.  Oh
great, he thought, now I have to undress in front of these women.

     The women themselves were in various stages of undress.  Joe
opened his locker just as, four feet away, the overweight woman
pulled her suit down.  He had never seen a nude overweight female
before, and simply couldn't help watching the woman out of the
corner of his eye.

     Unlike Joe, who still had his Arizona tan, the woman's skin
was a very pale white.  Though she had large breasts, they were
practically lost in the fat ripples of her belly.  Only very large
areola defined them as mammary glands.  A sagging roll of fat and
skin almost completely covered her pubic area.  Joe was sure she
couldn't even see her pubic hair.  He certainly couldn't see any
evidence of her sex until she sat on the bench, and then just
barely.  He had to intentionally look away and concentrate on the
things in his own locker to avoid being caught staring.

     He took his bag out and placed it on the bench.  His workout
clothes and underwear were still damp with perspiration.  No way
was he going to put this stuff back on.  He looked down at himself. 
He didn't want to go upstairs wearing the two-piece swimsuit, but
he had no other clothes with him.  He looked at the running shorts
and decided to pull them over the suit bottom.  With that, and the
terry cloth cover-up, he figured he was modest enough.  He placed
the wet things into the duffel bag and was zipping the bag when one
of the other women spoke to him.
     "Just married, dear?" the woman asked.  She was easily the
best looking of the three and stood there wearing only white nylon
panties, casually brushing her hair as she spoke.

     Joe looked over at her, and when he saw she was practically
naked, he politely looked away, then realized that she didn't mind
him looking, he was a woman too.  He smiled at her and shook his
head.  "No.  We're just old friends."  At least it was the truth. 
It was still hard to concentrate on what you were doing when
surrounded by naked women, but he was slowly getting used to it. 
At least he didn't have to worry about his erection showing.

     "I like your suit," the woman continued.  "I wish I could
still wear things like that."

     "I couldn't wear it either, until recently," Joe said,
smiling.  Another truth.

     "Well, you look like you're keeping yourself in good shape
now," the woman said.  "But I'll tell you, it does get a lot harder
as the years go by."

     Joe wondered if it would be proper for him to compliment the
woman on her appearance too.  He didn't know how to interact with
strange women, but it seemed she wanted to talk so he figured he
might as well.

     "You're looking pretty good, yourself." Joe said awkwardly. 
It sounded more like a young man's words than something one woman
would say to another.

     The woman looked strangely at Joe, who was slipping Reeboks on
his bare feet.  Joe just smiled at her, picked up the duffel bag,
and walked down the aisle toward the door.  He passed the toilet
stalls and was reminded that he really needed to pee.  Too much
work, he decided.  In a couple of minutes he'd be back in his room,
where he could remove the damp swimsuit.  He could hold it that

     Joe went to the elevator and pressed the button.  The door
opened immediately and a middle-aged man wearing shorts and a
T-shirt came out.  He gave Joe the once over as he brushed past. 
Joe tried to not notice the man ogling him, and pressed the button
for the fifth floor.  Soon the door closed and he was alone again. 
The elevator made no stops, and in a moment the door opened and Joe
was in the hallway to his room.  He unlocked the door and went

     Joe closed the door between rooms and was undecided if he
should lock it from his side.  He didn't want to be impolite to
Jay, but he wanted to be alone while he showered again and changed
clothes.  He was getting used to his new body, but Jay sometimes
treated him like a new toy.  He understood why his pal acted like
that, but sometimes his fawning and lustful stares simply tried his
patience.  Maybe he did look and feel like a woman, but he sure
wasn't used to being treated like one by his old buddy.  Why
couldn't Jay just treat him like before, at least once in a while? 
He closed the door and latched it.

     Joe dropped the duffel bag on the bed and went into the
bathroom.  He removed the cover-up and hung it on a hook on the
door.  He slipped the shorts off and then quickly pulled the
swimsuit bottom down and kicked it off.  He raised the lid, then
sat and relieved himself, taking a deep breath as the pressure on
his bladder subsided.  Sometimes, Joe mused, a simple act like
peeing just felt so good.  The mechanics may have changed now, but
it still felt pretty much the same.

     Joe flushed the toilet, then unzipped the suit top, took it
off, and dropped it on the floor next to the bottom.  He examined
his breasts in the mirror.  Their shape was so firm, his nipples so
pink, especially when compared to those women downstairs.  He
wondered if he was destined to look like that too?  Highly likely,
he decided.  Each of those women probably once looked a lot like he
did, probably only a few years ago.  Beauty, if this is what it
was, was only skin deep, and very temporary.

     He started the water running in the shower and then, when he
saw the complimentary bath beads, be decided to take a tub bath
instead.  Linda had taught him the pleasure of soaking in the warm
fragrant bubbles.  He was starting to feel sorry for himself, and
needed a little time to himself.  Jay could wait for him.

     When the tub was full of water of a comfortable temperature,
Joe eased his tired body into the suds.  Sometimes, especially at
times like this, he really enjoyed the heightened sensitivity the
change had given his body.  There was no doubt that there were pros
and cons of being female, but this was definitely one of the
pluses.  He simply couldn't have imagined that a simple bubble bath
felt so good to a girl.  He leaned back and closed his eyes.  It
really wasn't so bad to be like this, 

     Joe soaked for maybe ten minutes, massaging muscles which
probably hadn't been this sore in years.  When he touched his
crotch, he thought of what was might be in store tonight.  He and
Jay had already been intimate once before, when he had been
visiting the clinic in San Diego.  Then, he had been the one who
had initiated the affair.  Curiosity over what sex, as he was now,
might feel like had simply been more than he could tolerate.  So he
had asked Jay, and Jay had enthusiastically agreed.  The experience
had been good.  Very good.  Once he overcame the fear that Jay's
penis might hurt as it entered his new, virgin opening, Joe found
that intercourse as a female could be very satisfying.

     Instead of centering almost entirely in his penis, the
sensation was now felt all over his changed body.  Actually, the
sensation of having the penis inside him was almost anti-climatic. 
It felt great sliding in (at least the second time it did), but
there was not all that much feeling once it was there unless Jay
was moving around.  The best sensation was when he was able to rub
the skin which could now be called his clitoris along the firm
shaft of Jay's penis.  That feeling was not so unlike sex as a
male, but maybe amplified by ten.  And when you climaxed, there was
no waiting to go again.  Like this, it seemed you could keep going
as long as your partner was able.  That was a real limitation,
however.  Jay's nervousness over engaging in intimacy with his pal
Joe had made his maintaining a functional erection unreliable at

     Joe was hoping everything would be different tonight.  Jay now
knew what to expect, indeed, it seemed that he had wanted to jump
Joe's bones all day long.  He would give Jay his chance again
tonight, Joe decided.

     It was now a week since he woke up to find his body changed
like this.  What a week.  He looked at his breasts, just visible
above the white bubbles.  Last week, he had hair on his chest, hair
which had just recently been turning a darker brown.  It had been
dark blond since he started to get it at puberty.  Now, the hair
was gone, and his body was slowly continuing to develop the
contours of a mature female.  He still couldn't fully accept what
was happening to him.  But here it was, in all its splendor.  Maybe
it really wasn't so bad, he thought, closing his eyes, luxuriating
in the warm scented suds.  Maybe life had dealt him a strange hand,
but it was still fun to play the game.

     Joe had started to fall asleep in the water when he heard a
knock at the door.  It was hard to tell for sure, but it sounded
like it might be the interconnecting door.  Jay.  Joe called out. 
"I'm in the tub.  I'll be out in a little while."

     "OK," he could hear Jay answer.  "Do you want to go somewhere
to eat?"

     "Yeah, sure." Joe answered.  "I'll be out shortly."  Damn it,
Joe thought.  He can't leave me alone for a minute.

     The magic spell broken, Joe rubbed himself with a wash cloth. 
The soft cloth felt like sandpaper on his sensitive skin.  He
finished quickly and then pulled the tub plug.  Noticing shampoo on
the counter, he decided that he probably should wash the chlorine
from his hair.  He got out of the tub and turned on the shower
head.  While adjusting the temperature and aim of the nozzle, Joe
realized that the shower was one of those hand-held, massaging
spray types.

     This will be good for rinsing the soap from my hair, he
thought.  He stood under the warm water, wet his hair, and massaged
some of the shampoo in.  The smell of the shampoo reminded him of
wild cherry cough drops.  He rinsed the shampoo out and then
applied some conditioner.  He rinsed that out and ran his fingers
through his hair.  His hair felt so soft.  Since the change, it
seemed that his hair had become finer and softer.  He didn't know
how or why that would have happened.  It applied to all his
remaining hair, even the now narrow triangle at his crotch.  The
shampoo seemed to make his hair even softer.  I wonder of it will
make this even softer, too, he wondered, rubbing across the short
but slightly curly hair on his pubic mound.

     He squirted some of the cherry scented shampoo on his palm and
rubbed it into his bush.  If nothing else, it'll smell good down
there, he mused, a smile coming to his face.  His soapy fingers
felt great as they massaged the softness between his legs.  Joe had
always figured the male had an advantage when it came to masturba-
tion, but since the change, he realized that was probably not the
case.  What you touched, and how you touched it may have changed,
but the increased sensitivity certainly left nothing to be desired.

     Joe finished shampooing and started to rinse off the soap.  He
removed the shower head from the clip and aimed the spray directly
at his crotch.  The direct spray was very effective at removing the
shampoo suds, but Joe quickly found another use for the hand held
shower.  When the spray touched his penis/clitoris, at first it
felt like a little tickle, but then almost immediately caused a
wonderful sensation.  Following the foreplay with the shampoo, Joe
almost immediately experienced sexual release.  His legs tensed,
and he had to put a free hand against the wall to keep from falling
over.  He closed his eyes and continued with the spray until he
experienced a second explosion of "intense feeling."  Joe was again
amazed at how quickly he could climax and rebound.  His response
cycle had certainly changed.  Indeed, Joe couldn't even think of
any women he knew who responded like this, at least not with him

     Joe inspected the hand held spray head.  It was made by a
company he recognized, but not for designing stuff like this.  He
decided he would have to get one of these for his shower at home. 
Maybe get Linda one, too.  No reason not to let her in on his
little discovery.

     After a little while, the new thrill began to wear thin.  The
spray was beginning to irritate rather than excite the delicate
tissues.  The increased sensitivity in his changed genitalia had
created a very fine line between pleasure and pain.  It took a
little longer to get excited, but the excitement could last until
the sensitive skin started to get sore.  That was very different
from before, when desire rose and fell, and ability was predicated
on maintaining an erection.

     He turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. 
Grabbing a bath towel, Joe slowly dried off, basking in the
afterglow of his experience in the shower.  When he was dry, Joe
looked at his hair in the mirror.  He picked up his brush, and
removed the hair drier from the wall bracket.  His short hair dried
quickly and he found that he could almost get the style the way it
was before.

     Still naked, he went out into the main room.  He looked in his
bag and tried to decide what to wear.  If they went out to eat,
should he dress formally, or casually?  If he was at home, it would
be easy.  He didn't want to wear a dress, or put makeup on, and
that was completely acceptable at home in the southwest.  But here,
he didn't know.

     "So what?" he decided.  He would wear what he felt like
wearing.  He dug out his new denim jeans and held up the new
sweatshirt that he had just purchased.  The shirt was a rather
large, white, heavy, high neck, fashion sweatshirt he thought might
come in handy and Jay said he liked, so he bought it.  Yeah, a
sweatshirt and pants, that's exactly what he felt like wearing.

     Underwear.  What should he wear underneath?  He thought about
what they might do later.  He grinned at the possibilities, and
knew he should probably plan for it.  His personal favorite was the
black thong back panty and the matching bra.  It made him look so
sexy, and somehow made him feel good even when he was feeling down
about what had happened.  He wanted Jay to see him wearing them; he
knew he looked good wearing them.  Yeah...  When he pulled his
jeans off and Jay saw this...

     Joe pulled the stretchy wisp of black cloth over his hips.  It
felt so strange the way it rode into the crack of his butt, but he
knew he would soon overcome the almost irrepressible urge to want
to pull it out.  He rubbed his hand over his pubic mound and
grinned.  Yeah...

     Joe strapped on the little black bra, then examined himself in
the dresser mirror.  He looked and felt absolutely wicked.

     Joe went over to the bed, picked up the sweatshirt, and pulled
it over his head.  He took the Levis and slipped them up his smooth
legs.  He buttoned the fly, and arranged the sweatshirt around his

     Whenever he moved, he could feel his bra covered breasts
rubbing the heavy cloth of the sweatshirt.  It made him constantly
aware of them, and it felt so sexy.  Joe rubbed his chest with both
hands.  He looked at himself in the mirror over the dresser.  The
heavy top totally concealed his new shape, and with the denim
jeans, he sort of looked like a guy again.  Well, not really.  Joe
examined his face.  The feminization process had made his lips look
thinner, his features a little finer, and his eyes a little larger. 
He was still himself, but his face probably looked as it would have
if he had been born female.  It was an eerie feeling, to look in
the mirror, and see the twin sister you never had staring back.

     Joe went back to the bathroom and rescued a tiny bottle of
perfume from his shaving kit.  He put some behind each ear and,
pulling up the heavy top, he daubed some in the cleavage of his
breasts.  Again, the scent reminded him of Linda, and the thought
made him a little sad.  But what the heck, he thought, this whole
thing wasn't my idea, I'm just learning to live with what happened.

     Still barefoot, Joe wondered what shoes to wear.  He didn't
have much to choose from.  The two inch heels, the black flats, and
the Reeboks.  The heels were out, and he didn't really want to wear
the flats.  He liked the Reeboks, but thought it might be just a
little too casual.  My god, he thought to himself, I'm wearing blue
jeans and a sweatshirt, how much less casual than that can I get? 
He retrieved the Reeboks and rummaged through his bag to find clean

     When Joe thought he was ready, he looked for his purse, found
it, and retrieved his wallet.  Tonight, he didn't want to carry
even a little handbag, but when he tried to put the wallet into the
hip pocket of the jeans, he found that the snug fit of his butt in
the woman's Levis didn't make that a priority.  If he was going to
carry a wallet, he would need at least a little purse.  He opened
the wallet and withdrew the folding money, then his license, Visa,
and American Express.  He slipped them into his pockets.  He would
be able to go without a purse after all.

     With his jacket in one hand, Joe knocked on the interconnect-
ing door.  "I'm ready," he called to Jay.

     Jay opened the door.  "Well it's about time.  I thought you
fell asleep," Jay said as he came into the room.

     Jay was wearing casual slacks, a sport shirt, and a jacket. 
He was perhaps a little less casually than Joe, but they would look
ok together.

     "Well, are we slumming tonight?" Jay teased when he saw what
Joe was wearing.

     "I just wanted to wear this.  Do you have a problem with it?"

     "No, No, absolutely not," Jay said.  "You look great, really."

     "Well, it feels good.  I really need to get out of those girl
clothes once in a while."

     "I agree," Jay said, a big grin showing on his face.  "You
should get out of those clothes once in a while."

     Joe eyed his friend with mock suspicion.  "Just keep your
pants on," he teased.  "We'll see what happens later, maybe."

     "Where do we want to eat?"  Jay changed the conversation like
he was actually as nervous as Joe about what might take place

     "I don't know, what are you hungry for?  You're the one who
said he could eat a horse.  Are you thinking steak?"

     "That would be good," Jay answered, "if that's what you want. 
About anything is fine with me."

     "I think there are some pretty good places within walking
distance.  We could stay in the area, or if you like, we can drive
over to Minneapolis."

     "I don't need to go anywhere.  If there's a reasonable place
nearby, let's go to there."

     "It's about forty degrees outside.  You won't need more than
that jacket," Joe told Jay.  After he said it, he wondered why he
did.  He had never worried about his pal's clothes before.  He WAS

     They went out and down the elevator.  When they reached the
ground floor, they picked up a little brochure which detailed some
of the attractions of downtown St. Paul.  Joe was right, there were
a few excellent restaurants within a few blocks.  Some of them
could be reached without ever going outdoors.  The buildings were
cleverly connected with a series of sky walks.

     They decided on a steak house with the atmosphere of an
English pub.  It was a nice place, but they didn't look out of
place with their casual dress.

     The waiter, thinking he had two young lovers, sat them in a
dimly lit, cozy, out of the way spot.  Joe was a little embarrassed
at first, then decided that the table was excellent.  They could
talk about anything without having to be concerned about being
overheard.  There were now some strange conversations possible
between him and Jay.

     When they were seated, Jay ordered a bottle of wine.  Joe
decided that he would be careful.  His changed metabolism made him
very intolerant of alcohol.  These days, he was a very cheap drunk.

     The waiter brought the wine, they ordered, and then they were

     "It's so strange," Jay said.  "Here we are, two... guys.  I
still do think of you as a guy sometimes.  Here we are, and
everyone we meet thinks we're a couple.  What do you think about

     "I don't know.  You're right though, I'm still having trouble
thinking of myself as a girl, a female, a woman.  It's really hard
to accept that I might have to stay this way the rest of my life."

     "But you're so beautiful now," Jay countered.  "Don't you like
looking like that?"

     "How do you think you'd feel if you woke up one morning and
discovered you had turned into a girl?  Forget about what I look
like.  I've changed inside and out.  You know what I mean. 
Sometimes it's fun, but other times it's kind of frightening.  I
don't know what I should do."

     "You're doing great.  Sometimes I forget that you aren't a
'real woman.'"

     "Well, I never forget," Joe said, grinning at his pal.  Jay
was so understanding.  Although it seemed he incessantly teased
Joe, his light spirit about the whole accident made it easier for
Joe to adapt to what was happening to him.  In the candlelight, Jay
looked into Joe's eyes.  He didn't speak, but a lot was said.

     Jay grinned.  "I think we're the only people in town with
suntans, and you look absolutely fantastic in the candle glow."

     "You should have seen that fat woman at the pool," Joe said,
with a grin growing on his face too.

     "I did," Jay countered.  "I was there, remember."

     "I mean later, in the locker room," Joe chuckled.  "I don't
think I've ever seen anything like it.  She had more rolls of fat
than the Pillsbury Dough Boy, and just as white."

     "The other two weren't that bad." Jay said critically.

     "Yeah, I know.  The prettiest one changed clothes right next
to me," Joe said, trying to create a little jealousy in his friend.

     "What's that like?  To have to sit there with naked women all
around you like that?"

     Joe smiled deviously.  "Actually, they were not all around. 
There were only three."

     "Yeah, but to have women undressing in front of you.  How on
earth can you stand it?"

     "I guess it helps to be a girl," Joe said dryly.  "They can't
see your hard-on."  He grinned.

     Jay looked at Joe and returned the grin.  "I love it when you
talk dirty," he said sarcastically.

     "It's the truth.  It's a little different, sure, but not as
much as you probably think.  You can't imagine how it feels; the
things I have to be concerned about.  They told me the other day,
at the clinic, that if my hormone levels continued to change I'd
probably experience changes in desire, things like that.  It's one
thing to have them tell you what might happen.  In reality, it's a
whole other thing to realize that you are beginning to notice men's
rear ends, the strong shoulders, I don't even know how to explain
it to you," Joe stammered.  "Do you know that today I got a
hard-on, if I dare call it that, while I watched you swimming

     Jay looked into Joe's eyes and winked slightly.  "I don't have
to tell you that you've been doing that to me all week."

     "I know what I look like.  I can understand you reacting like
that when you see me, I guess.  But, for me...  How would you feel
if suddenly you found yourself wanting to have sex with a man?"

     "I guess maybe I could handle it if I had a body like yours."

     "Damn it Jay, forget what I look like!  Don't you see all this
is only skin and muscle?" Joe retorted.  "And not too much muscle,
that's for sure."

     "Yeah, but the skin...  I..."

     Joe interrupted him.  "You can't believe what it's like not to
even know what your brain will think about the next thing you see. 
To not to know till you try, whether you still have the strength to
lift something or not?" Joe said, trying to restrain himself from
raising his voice.

     "What do you want me to do?  I'm trying to help you with this. 
Don't get pissed at me.  I didn't do this to you."

     Joe looked across the table at Jay.  A smile replaced the
scowl that had formed there.  "Hey, I know.  I'm sorry.  Of course
I'm not mad at you.  I'm not mad at anybody.  I just get so
frustrated about what has happened to me that when I start to think
about it, sometimes it all just starts to overwhelm me."

     "You're doing a lot better than I would," Jay complimented. 
"I can't believe how well you've been adjusting to all this,   How
patient you've been to all the questions and the examinations.  I'm
as guilty as anybody.  But what happened to you is so unique, it
sounds like something out of the Inquirer.  But here you are, alive
and well."

     "Yeah, alive and well," Joe repeated.  "You know, until a few
days ago, I was thinking that the best thing that could happen
would be for the doctors to find a way to get us back.  To make me
normal again.  But the longer I stay this way, the longer this
'femaleness' thing changes me: the way I look, the way I feel, the
way I THINK.  When I really ask myself what I want to happen, I
don't even know if I want to be changed back anymore."

     "You want to stay female?  You do make a good one, I think. 
And that's not meant as an insult."

     Joe grinned.  "Thanks.  I don't know, I really don't know
anything about being a woman.  I mean periods... maybe even having
babies...  It's a lot more than just learning to wear a skirt."

     "You might not have a choice," Jay reminded him.

     "Yeah.  I know.  It's so scary.  I'm glad everybody has been
so good and so helpful with this.  Even your teasing makes it
easier.  It helps me take all it with a grain of salt."

     "We've been best friends for a long time.  It's going to take
more than you sprouting boobs to change that."  Jay winked.

     The conversation was interrupted by the waiter bringing
salads.  The conversation continued as they ate, and when they
finished their steaks and refused dessert, Jay asked the question. 
"Will we be sleeping together tonight?"

     From across the table, Joe looked at him in the dim candle
light.  "Do you want to?"

     "Sure.  But only if you do."

     "Let's go back to the room and see what happens," Joe said

     Playing a demure young woman did not come naturally to Joe. 
He was now as interested in Jay as he had ever been with a woman. 
But he didn't want to sound as horny as he felt.

     Jay paid the tab and they walked back to the hotel, with Jay
taking Joe's hand, and Joe letting him.  They walked slowly, not
saying much, but anxious and nervous about what was likely to take


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