Chat Friends I've Met.

Justasmoking and me

I'm with _Justasmokin, on the occasion of her daughter coming to University in London. Needless to say we're in a Pub, near to the hotel they stayed at, close to Victoria Coach and Railway stations. (c.1998)

Terrible Trio

This picture was taken on the main concourse of Victoria railway station and from left to right is me, Sally_was_29, and Brynmills_mumbles. We spent a few hours together over a drink or three.(c. 1999)

The Gang

On the occasion of Shyandquiet98 visiting London. This is the Gang she met (at Marble Arch). Left to right is nightjar, me, Hannah, Nigelknowitall, gopher and stu. Shy was, as usual, shy and opted to stay behind the camera. (2002)

Visit as above, but as soon as I chicken out of a horrendous 'London Eye' ride, she creeps out from behind the camera and appears in a pic. :-( There's shy, trying to hide, on the left. I was enjoyng a sandwich and coffee at this time, with my feet firmly on the ground. (Hey Tmbr, note the 'T' Shirt.) :-)

The Gang

Another picture that shy didn't escape.Left to right is nightjar, shy, Gopher, Hannah, Nigelknowitall. This one shows the tmbr T-shirt a bit clearer. (2002)

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